Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome To The World Of Speed

Looks like I had to start somewhere, so I'll begin at the beginning. I have no idea what the hell I am going to post here that would interest anybody, but sometimes boredom is only overcome with action. I have one desire. To get myself into the 201 club on the Bonneville Salt Flats. I choose to make the attempt with an un-streamlined twin cylinder motorcycle. I am not a watcher, I am a doer. I could care less how anyone else does it, and I don't think that buying a bike that does 220+ out of the box and puffing it up is much of a feat. I could be horribly mistaken, but I don't believe so.
Anyway, enough of this stuff for now. Perhaps I'll do some research and add more to this and it will turn into something. But. if I expend much energy on this, I won't achieve my goal, will I?

Stay Tuned........

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